Wind blowing through the trees.
Wind playing in the leaves.
Wind brushing against the sky.
Wind knocking over you and I.
Extract from The Wind by Mishaal Javed Dawar
Wow, has it been windy. The local weatherman on the BBC said that this is not that unusual, we get around two of these each autumn, thank goodness it came when the bulk of leaves have gone otherwise it could have done more damage. The local TV reported on a tree falling on a house and damaging a roof, distressingly, the local council had been contacted six months ago having been told it was unsafe, and they didn't do anything about it!
The picture above is the fountain in Queens Garden in Hull City centre with spray being blown all over the area.
I've spent the day reading today, getting ready and preparing for a course next week, part two of three and this module is on 'business.' It includes such things as finance (high level strategic), business change, human resources and people issues. There'll be people from all over the UK there and the delegation will be about 20 people; we'll share experiences as well as learn. I'm not naturally gregarious, but once over the nerves, I'll enjoy it.
The house is busy tonight, my eldest is watching Hull City on Sky Sports, (as I finish writing this they have miraculously won 0 - 2 away at Preston); my middle lad has a friend in and they are having a jamming session; my wife has two friends round and I'm chatting to my youngest on Facebook...
My middle son and I have been working on a photographic project. We have got some old photographs of Hull in Yorkshire taken variously around the 1903 era. We have gone out and taken the identical photograph from the same position as near as we can get it to the original photographer and then we've melded the two pictures together using Adobe Photoshop CS4, overlaying them to show then and now in the same picture. I'll post the results on here shortly.
Fellow blogger Diane Parkin has a book out, Night Crawler, and you can find it on the following link... Lulu.com
I'm just waiting with baited breath to see if I am a Euro Millionaire - I should be - I invested a whole £2!
Today's story is about a recent trip to the barbers.
I said to the barber that it was funny watching his dog take a keen interest in him cutting his customer's hair.
"Yes," he said, "It's because I sometimes snip off a bit of my customer's ear."
Chat soon
Thank you for the link. :o)