Four groups of five or six people had to present a high level strategic plan of an imaginary major change within a community. This used all the learning from the course and the previous weeks course earlier in the year and it took us all week to prepare it in our own time. It taught me a lot about teamwork, research, creating presentations, presenting, with a tight time scale to a high powered individual who asked some very pertinent questions, and us responding without using bullshit.
I have to say, the feedback was sensational for all the groups who presented. There was no prizes - that wasn't the point, but all the presentations were different, exciting, imaginative and hit the button. What a great end to the week. I have a lot of people to thank for cajoling me and encouraging me, including some fellow bloggers.
The third and final week of this course will be next year in late winter when all the elements of what we've learned so far will come together in what they call a 'Hydra' style scenario. This appears to be a real time playing of an exercise over a few days where we will have to be part of a management team using leadership skills to manage a difficult and challenging developing situation. Excited and terrified are the two words that come to mind.
The journey home was mainly at 50 or 60 miles per hour on the motorways due to the patchy and often thick fog. Boy am I glad to be home. Unpacked, had tea and watched a film with the family (Dead Poet's Society with Robin Williams - never seen it before) and just getting paperwork up to date so I can enjoy my weekend off.
I'm still waiting for the EuroMillions ticket to come my way! I haven't seen anything of Children in Need this year on the TV, I'm trying not to watch too much TV, but the radio in the car on the way home today was brilliantly entertaining. Rolf Harris was a guest on the Jeremy Vine show on BBC Radio 2 and he was superb followed by the smooth and funny Richard Allinson supported by Amanda Holden They raised a huge amount - well done you as well as Radio 2.
The picture above is the last of the flowers, a rudbeckia amongst a sedum, fairly well protected from the frost by the pergola.
Have a GREAT weekend
Sounds good for the grey stuff :)
ReplyDeleteI'm curios. Do you think such courses enhance innate ability, kick in confidence for the unsure, or simply give a 'how to', to those who want to add to their personal knowledge bank?
Hi wheelie - I think all three in different measures. I think the problems with courses is that they often don't necessarily fit in with work related activity. These courses I've been on gives us directly related theory, tools to do the job with and make us put theory to test in real life situations we face every day. I've learned a lot I have to say and we have to prove that we use tools we have been given in our day to day job by providing evidence.