I had seen an interesting photo set on the BBC website where old pictures of towns were superimposed on modern day pictures to represent of how it looks now and how it looked then on one photograph. So we (my son John and I) thought we would try to reproduce this effect and here are the results:
This is the original photograph taken just after 1900 of Queens Victoria's Square in Hull , so named because a statue of Her Majesty sits in the square - just to the left of the picture.

As you can see in comparing the pictures, there's very little left of that part of the city other than the buildings to the far right and Queen Victoria's statue to the left although the original building lines were retained. The change came not because of modern development, but because of the persistent and unremitting bombing of the city in World War ll by the Luftwaffe; 'that North Eastern town,' as the broadcasts and newspapers reported when the nation was told of the bombing, and so called to protect the identity of the strategic importance of the docks to the nation's survival.
My Grandfather was an auxiliary fireman in Hull during the war and he had some tales to tell, both harrowing and darkly funny. But that's for another day.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend
Chat soon
Interesting about auras. I used not to believe they existed until my late husband met an uncle who said my husband's aura was the most beautiful yellow (they were both painters of some merit). My husband said at the time that he felt a strong and distinct 'buzz' and after that we were both less sceptical.
ReplyDeleteHi Weaver
ReplyDeleteMy interpretation of yellow is about intelligence, learning, artistry, creativity, easy going... ring a bell?
To be fair all objects have an aura of one sort or another, it's the energy or electromagnetic field which surrounds us all - the trick is seeing it and interpreting the colours both of which can be affected by how we feel and what we are thinking or doing.
That's an interesting exercise with the photographs. Love the results, and I wondered if it was the bombing that did it before I got to that part of your commentary.
ReplyDeleteThx Diane
ReplyDeleteI think the detective work is interesting in finding the location and comparing; the overlay is a great talking point.