Sunday, 22 April 2012

Mushrooms in the Grass

Mushrooms in the grass - in April!

We prayed for rain and it's been raining ever since. Good on Mother Nature. I have heard loads of people whinging about it, but frankly, there's no point. April traditionally is the month of showers - live with it!

I haven't been able to get on my grass for a fortnight so it is getting long, but it looks great and green and it'll stay dry long enough for it to get cut before long I'm sure. I saw a farmer on the local TV news who was talking about the devastating effect of no rain and having driven past a few fields lately, the new crops are looking good, in fact the yellow rape-seed oil plants are in full flower in places.

Dicentra, love's bleeding heart
I went to the greenhouse to turn the paraffin heater off this morning and noticed mushrooms growing in the grass - another sign of the damp weather. The sun stayed out for just a few mintues, long enough for me to take these snaps.

Pieris Japonica, 'Forest Flame'
The London Marathon is on this morning and it looks like they've got good weather. My mother, as is her tradition will be sat in front of the TV in her dressing gown watching the spectacle and privately cheering on all those brave souls who run for charity. A colleague of mine, Ian ran the Hull marathon a couple of weeks ago and he raised several hundred quid for Macmillan nurses who care for people who are desperately ill with cancer. It was his first marathon but sadly, it seems the event was poorly organised and the course was too short so it doesn't officially count, but in my mind, he's a star anyway.

I've never ran successfully in my entire life, I guess my body was never made for it (I can hear the groans about that excuse) but I admire those who can and do run and who look after themselves. The added bonus of giving to charity for the effort is such a good idea and they have my congratulations.

I ran my first Reiki first degree class yesterday and had two successful students who I know will go on to use Reiki healing for the benefit of others. Congratulations to Ian, Nick and thanks to Linda for supporting the event. 

Chat soon



  1. Hello Rare ! I've never heard of someone running to benefit the NURSES who are caring for desparately ill folk. How outstanding. And as usual, love your photos!

  2. Lovely photos. I heard about a poor woman that died today after running the marathon :(
    Well done on the Reiki.

  3. Hi Donna
    There's so much love around isn't there and to support those who give support is just as important.

    Hi Val
    Isn't it desperately sad when that happens, I never actually heard that news as I don't follow the marathon myself and haven't seen the news today. Thanks re the Reiki.

  4. Sadly my running days are well and truly over but I do admire those who run for charity and so many good causes benefit.

  5. Beautiful pictures. You ran your first Reiki first degree class? I've a bit of an idea of the compassion, insight and discipline that requires. I'm well pleased you've insighted like souls.

    More healers the better :)

  6. Hi Weaver
    Sentiments with which I concur!

    Hi Wheelie
    A few more would do absolutely no harm at all would it!
