Monday, 13 April 2009


I don't get irritated about much in life in general - I tend to let it flow over me and move on but I have been annoyed at the Labour party e-mail scandal perpetrated by (confirmed by his resignation) Damian McBride. This is not party political rant by the way, it didn't matter who had done it, simply that in this day and age the juvenile and pathetic strategy of smearing one's opponents with falsehood and innuendo is anachronistic and clearly belongs in a long gone age where propaganda only in time of war was considered as acceptable stratagem.

More than that it's what we think about and how we behave toward our fellow human beings and about knowing ourselves. I wonder what McBride thinks of himself today - at the very least he should be very ashamed. Ashamed that he has breached a trust of the electorate and ashamed that he would stoop so low as to believe that it was an acceptable practise in a modern accountable society, privately or publicly.

Although Prime Minister Brown has said there is no room in British politics for such material, he should say a simple 'sorry.' Accepting McBride's resignation doesn't absolve the Prime Minister of his own vicarious responsibilities. Showing strength through remorse rather than pig-headed refusal so to do does not show him in a good light and of course people are thinking what else is going on - something the media is capitalising on - don't we have enough worries?

This is a painful reminder of a former member of Labour Party's exclusive 'spin doctor' club Jo Moore, who on the most infamous day in world affairs, September 11th 2001, sent an e-mail to colleagues saying it was "a good day to bury bad news," something for which she apologised and incredibly kept her job for some time.

Government must move on, concentrating all their strength and effort into rebuilding the economy of the UK and assisting the rest of the world through trust and determination whilst continuing to provide a democratic stability that is both expected and required from the people of this great country.

Here endeth the sermon.

The late Dennis Thatcher, husband of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher once said, "Better keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it, and remove all doubt."

Chat soon


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